Coming Soon: Blog Posts You’re Going to Love!

SO much love coming soon!
Do you ever feel like you have a lot to say, but you just can’t get it all out? That’s how I feel right now! Story ideas floating around in my brain, inspiration hitting me in the head, but I can’t seem to focus on any one thing long enough to put together a coherent post that will actually say something to you, dear readers.
I’m working on them, though. I’m also trying to learn what I need to know to offer you some useful freebies that will help make your life a little easier. Technology is so great, but there’s a lot to learn!
So I offer you this … a promise that I will have some great content ready for you coming soon – like later this week. But I don’t want you to leave empty-handed, so instead of my own words, here are some other great blogs I’ve been enjoying lately.
- One Missing Ingredient. If you haven’t stopped by my friend, Beth’s blog, you’re missing out. She’s snarky, witty and a great people watcher, which makes for great stories. And she offers a delicious recipe with each post, so you’ll never go hungry waiting for the next story. It’s like a reality show, but in blog form.
- Her View From Home. If you’re looking for thoughtful stories written by smart women, this site won’t disappoint. With everything from recipes to stories of love and struggle, each post is told from the heart and brings a deeper appreciation for the living life fully and valuing your own view from home.
- Ripped Jeans and Bifocals. As an older mom, I’m constantly on the lookout for other moms I can relate to, and Jill just gets it. She approaches motherhood with a sense of humor and unfiltered honesty. If seeing things through rose-colored lenses means staring through a glass of red wine, I’m there, even though my “glass of wine” is more likely to be a big cup of coffee.
- Wander and Wine. I just discovered this fabulous blog that is as beautiful as it is fun to read. Reading about adventures that are so different from my own is like taking a vacation in my own living room. Hana-Lee’s extensive knowledge of wine and the tips and travel stories she includes provide a glimpse into a lifestyle that a lot of moms can only dream about.
- Living for Naptime. I joined the Naptime Nation Facebook group about a month ago, and aside from being a group of like-minded bloggers who help each other and support each other, it’s a great resource for general blogging knowledge. Chrystie, our fearless leader, is a treasure trove of information, and her blog is a real treat. If you’re a blogger, you’ll learn so much from her. If you’re not, you’ll still love her site for parenting stories, insights into social media and more.
Remember, I’ll be back with more great content coming soon! Have a great week!