Last Minute Father’s Day Gift

Easy Last Minute Father’s Day Gift
This Sunday, those of us in the U.S. celebrate our dads. Are you ready? Or have you been so busy keeping your kids occupied or running them to and from camp that now you have to look for a last minute Father’s Day gift?
Fear not, I’ve got a super simple craft that you can do even if you aren’t crafty. If you can trace, cut and glue, you’ve got this! And like the other Father’s Day craft I posted on this blog, it’s a fabulous, personalized, custom piece that won’t cost a fortune.
My friend, Michelle, made one of these, and I love it so much that I “borrowed” the idea for Father’s day a few years ago. I made two of these for the grandfathers, and they love them. Two complete projects took a little bit of shopping time and about 45 minutes of actual assembly time. If you only make one, it will go even faster.
Since it was for the grandpas, I included my hand and my husband’s hand, because we’re they’re kids, too. Michelle’s represents her whole family, so she included her and her husband’s hands. But do what works for you. You can certainly just include your kids, or gather your siblings if you’re making it for your dad.
Gather Your Supplies
Here’s what you’ll need:
- A frame with an 8×10 opening. I recommend getting one with a mat included, so your frame will likely be 11×14 like this one here (affiliate link). (Bonus: if you’re an Amazon Prime member, you’ll get free one-day shipping to get it here before Father’s Day!)
- Several coordinating sheets of colored paper (I used scrapbook paper) – one for each person + one for the background. Check these out (affiliate link), and again, Amazon Prime!
- Scissors, glue & a permanent marker.

Just a few simple steps, and you’ve got a fantastic last minute Father’s Day gift
Here’s How You Do It
- Pick a hand, and trace each person’s on a different color sheet of paper.
- Cut out each hand.
- Lay them out, stacked largest to smallest, on your background sheet using the mat as a guide.
- Once you like it, glue everything down.
- Hand letter whatever message you like at the top. You could say “Happy Father’s Day,” “The {Your Last Name} Family,” or whatever you like. I always add the date, too, so you can see how much the kids grow over the years. If you’re worried about hand lettering, you can make your message look professional using your printer, a pencil, and a simple transfer technique. Here’s how you do it (excuse the little bird chirping in the background; he wanted to be in the video!):
- Once you’re done, erase any stray pencil marks and place your project in the frame, wrap it up and wait for the smiles. They’re going to love it!
For very little time and money, you can make this simple project that looks as polished and professional as the most expensive custom keepsakes.
What do you think? Is this something you would make for your family? I’d love to hear your thoughts and comments!
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